Minoru OSADA,
MANA Scientist / Senior Researcher
International Center for Materials Nanoarchitectonics (MANA), National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS)
Contact Information
Address: 1-1 Namiki, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, 305-0044
E-mail: osada.minoru“at” (but replace "at" with "@")
Personal Homepage:
Fields of Interest
Materials Physics, Two-dimensional Nanomaterials, Optical Physics
Professional Experience
1995-1998 JSPS Research Fellow (DC1), Tokyo Institute of Technology
1998-2001 Special Postdoctoral Research Fellow, RIKEN
2001 JSPS Research Fellow (PD), Tokyo Institute of Technology
2001-2003 PRESTO Researcher, Japan Science and Technology Agency
2003 Senior Researcher, Advanced Materials Laboratory, NIMS
2007- 2008 Senior Researcher, Nanoscale Materials Center, NIMS
2008- 2012 MANA Scientist, International Center for Materials Nanoarchitectonics (MANA), NIMS
2008- present Associate Professor, NIMS Joint Graduate School, Waseda University
2012- present Associate Principal Investigator, MANA, NIMS
Ph. D., Tokyo Institute of Technology, 1998
Membership of Academic Societies
The Japan Society of Applied Physics, The Ceramic Society of Japan, The Material Society of Japan
Awards & Honors
  1. Tejima Memorial Award (1999)
  2. Presentation Award, 14th Symposium of The Material Society of Japan (2002)
  3. Research Encouragement Prize Award, 23rd Symposium of Electroceramics, The Ceramic Society of Japan (2003)
  4. 58th Research Encouragement Prize Award, The Ceramic Society of Japan (2004)
  5. 19th Tsukuba Award (2008)
  6. Young Scientist's Prize for the Commendation of MEXT (2009)
  7. 7th NIMS President's Research Encouragement Award (2012)
Research Project
Novel Inorganic Nanosheets and Their Biomimetic Assemblies for Functional Nanoarchitectures
Selected Publications
  1. Osada, M., Sasaki, T.
    “Two-Dimensional Dielectric Nanosheets: Novel Nanoelectronics from Nanocrystal Building Blocks”,
    Adv. Mater., 24, 209-228 (2012).

  2. Osada, M., Takanashi, G., Li, B. W., Akatsuka, K., Ebina, Y., Ono, K., Funakubo, H., Takada, K., Sasaki, T.
    “Controlled Polarizability of One-Nanometer Thick Oxide Nanosheets for Tailored High-k Nanodielectrics”,
    Adv. Funct. Mater., 22, 3482-3487 (2011).

  3. Osada, M., Sasaki, T., Ono, K., Kotani, Y., Ueda, S., Kobayashi, K.
    “Orbital Reconstruction and Interface Ferromagnetism in Self-Assembled Nanosheet Superlattices”,
    ACS Nano, 5, 6871-6879 (2011).

  4. Li, B. W., Osada, M., Ozawa, T. C., Ebina, Y., Akatsuka, K., Ma, R., Funakubo, H., Sasaki, T.
    “Engineered Interfaces of Artificial Perovskite Oxide Superlattices via Nanosheet Deposition Process”,
    ACS Nano, 4, 6673-6680 (2010).

  5. Osada, M., Akatsuka, K., Ebina, Y., Funakubo, H., Ono, K., Takada, K., Sasaki, T.
    “Robust High-k Response in Molecularly Thin Perovskite Nanosheets”,
    ACS Nano, 4, 5225-5232 (2010).